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Melinnopsis sp. MoV 6853
Family: AmpharetidaeGenus: Melinnopsis
Body thin. 2 eye spots may be present as light brown circles on prostomium. Prostomium with simple, non-lobed margin. Pair of short tentacles(?) between prostomium and mouth. One of these has fallen off, leaving one remaining. Buccal tentacles retracted; oral membrance partially covering mouth. 4 pairs of branchiae: 2 pairs large and thick, 2 pairs smaller and thin. Branchiae arranged in pairs across dorsum, with one branchia in the pair arranged closely in front of (anterior to) the other. The large branchiae make up the inner pairs and the thinner branchiae the outer pairs. Notopodia with long capillary chaetae, beginning on segment 2/3 under branchiae. No paleae present. No neuropodia, neurochaetae or uncini can be observed. Body divided into thoracic and abdominal sections. Thoracic section with 12-14 Notopodia, abdomen with 12 short parapodia. Unclear if abdominal parapodia bear chaetae. Pygidium with 1 anal cirrus, may be part of a pair.